Local Governing Body


Our Lady and St. Hubert's is part of Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company. As a result, we have a MAC board of directors and a local governing body. 

Our local governing body consists of: 

  • Parents of children who attend the school (parent representatives)
  • Staff of the school (teacher and support staff representatives)
  • People appointed from the parish community (foundation representatives)

All of whom have the best interests of the school at heart and give a great deal of time in support of Our Lady & St. Hubert's School.

The Local Governing Board will: oversee the implementation of the Directors' strategy, policy and procedures; monitor the effectiveness of the management in running the academy in accordance with the Directors' strategy, policy and procedures; and report on the impact of the Directors' strategic framework on the quality of provision, performance and standards of the academy.

The Chair of Our Lady and St. Hubert's is Mr Bernard King (Elected Chair 6th October 2022).

The overall purpose of the committee

  • Provide the assurance that the strategy and policies of the Board of Directors' are implemented at a local level in the academy.
  • Provide a strong monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework, so the education provided by the academy meets the needs of children in its care.
  • Enable the academy to be accountable for building a strong, Catholic collaborative learning community, rooted in the teachings of Christ and his Church and the values of the Gospel, by ensuring the school form good relationships and effective communication with all stakeholders that benefit the children's learning, formation, attainment and progress.
  • Make recommendations to the Board of Directors and to other committees as necessary and appropriate.


Declaration of Business Interest and Attendance 2023 2024

It is the policy of Our Lady and St. Hubert's Catholic Primary School that Governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially.

The local governing body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the school. There is a legal duty on all our governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting, and for the representative concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered.

In order to put this duty into practice, our Local Governing Body has established a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all Governors, Staff and the Principal, any business interests. This includes, if appropriate, the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school.

They include their own interest and those of any member of their immediate family or other individuals known to them who may exert influence. The register page is signed by the Representative/Staff Member. The register enables the Local Governing Body to demonstrate that in spending public money, they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.

Governor Member Profiles

Bernard King (Chair of Governors)

I am the Chair of Governors, and both of my children attended Our Lady & St Hubert’s School; I am passionate about providing the school with the support required to ensure future generations receive the same excellent education as my children did.

I am the Owner and Managing Director of an Investment Management and Financial Advisory business and the skills, professional qualifications and drive I have developed in business and financial services over the last 20 years allow me to ensure that all aspects of the school are rigorously analysed and held to account to deliver continued excellence and ongoing improvement.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I also Chair a Charitable Trust which provides support and financial assistance to apprenticeship programmes and university students….but my main passion is running….which provides time to think and relax.

Fr Roger (Foundation Governor)

Although I was born in Hall Green and was baptised in Yardley Wood I was very much brought up in Halesowen, in the Black Country (or so we claim!). I went to St Kenelm’s Primary School and, like many of my parishioners, attended Hagley RC High School and sixth form. From there I went to Warwick University to study Maths and Physics and, after that, started work in the computer industry as a computer programmer and in support.

I have always had a strong faith and relationship with God; but it seems to me that I have come to appreciate more and more over the years just how well-founded the Christian faith is intellectually and rationally and historically and every which way you might care to consider. It is this, perhaps, more than anything that I like to try and communicate; that the Christian (and Catholic!) faith just makes so much sense!

I was ordained in 2010 at St Peter the Apostle, Leamington Spa. One of the great pleasures of my priestly ministry has been my involvement with the various primary schools of the various parishes I have been appointed to; and my involvement here with Our Lady and St Hubert’s is certainly no exception. It is always a pleasure to come into school and to celebrate mass – with the wonderful and joyful singing and attentive reverence shown by the whole faith community that is Our Lady and St Hubert’s.

As well as being the Parish Priest of the school I am also a Foundation Governor and RE lead.      

Ly Tran (Foundation Governor)

I have been a Foundation Governor at Our Lady & St Hubert’s since April 2015.

I am the Link Governor to the RE and Curriculum Department and Year 2.

I have over 20 years’ experience of teaching in Primary Education, in Catholic Schools and have taught in both KS1 and KS2. I have experience of middle leadership in schools, Curriculum Development and Teaching and Learning.

Suki Moore (Parent Governor)

I am a mum of three boys at Our Lady & St Hubert’s aged 10, 5 & 6. In my spare time I spend a lot of time with my 3 boys, mostly being mum’s taxi catering for their busy social life. I do have a keen interest in both my son’s football training/matches which involves attending 3 times a week. I do enjoy running as a means of relaxation and have completed a half marathon and lots of 5k runs. I enjoy holidays abroad, socialising with family and friends.

I have over 17 years’ experience working in HR, started my career as a Recruitment Consultant and decided I did not like the sales aspect, so I moved into in-house HR, starting off as a HR Administrator. I have worked for some well-known organisations in a HR capacity and currently work as a HR Manager for a Not-for-Profit Organisation.

Charlotte Blake – (Parent Governor)

My children are aged 6 and 10 and attend Our Lady and St Huberts. I love being a mum, taking an interest in my children's hobbies and interest is something I really enjoy. From theatre clubs to kickboxing we do it all.

I love to read, travel and go on days out with my family, whether it be picnics, theme parks or seaside adventures.

I have just become a girl guiding leader and lead my own local unit.  Girl guiding is great fun and gives a sense of adventure and community spirit. It's a chance to be silly and try out new things while I teach key skills.

I have worked in education for the last 12 years, starting my career at St Huberts Pre-School. Since then, I have managed a breakfast and after school club, been a 1-1 support worker and a Lunchtime supervisor. In my school's I have worked mainly within the EYFS framework. Currently hold a slower paced role and work as a Librarian in a Secondary School.

Financial Information About Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company

The following information can be found on the Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company website by following the link below:

  • Memorandum of Association
  • Governance structure
  • Scheme of delegation
  • Articles of Association
  • Local Governing Bodies
  • Director Information
  • Development Plan
  • Financial Information
  • Policies ,Notices ,Procedures and Statement

School's data on financial benchmarking:

Our Lady and St Hubert's Catholic Primary School - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk)

Emmaus CMAC
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